Metaspec manufactures test specimens used in lubricants testing by military specification MIL-C-5545, which covers a heavy oil corrosion preventive used for the internal parts and surfaces of reciprocating aircraft engines and equipment to prevent corrosion. This corrosion preventive is used only for static preservation and is to be removed from the engine before flight.
The following is a list of tests in Specification MIL-C-5545 that require test specimens. Some of these tests may be customized for this specification. Click on the test method number for more information about specimens required for each test.
MIL-C-5545C § – Protection (ASTM D1748 test panels)
MIL-C-5545C § - Hydrobromic Acid Neutralization (ASTM D1748 test panels)
MIL-C-5545C § - Effect on Bearing Alloys (FTM 5322)
To read or download this specification, click below.
This specification was cancelled without replacement in 1991.