Metaspec manufactures test specimens used in quality and conformance testing by Military Specification MIL-L-46010, which covers a heat cured solid film lubricant intended to reduce wear and prevent galling, corrosion, and seizure of metals.
The following tests listed in Specification MIL-L-46010 require test specimens. Click on the test method number for more information about the specimens required for this test.
MIL-L-46010 §4.5.2 Test Panels
ASTM D2510 Film Adhesion (Procedure A) & Resistance to Fluids (Procedure C)
ASTM D2511 Thermal Stability
ASTM D2649 Aluminum Corrosion
FTM 5331 Sulfurous Acid / Salt Fog
ASTM B117 Salt Spray (Fog)
For aerospace applications, MIL-L-46010D Types I and II are superseded by SAE AS5272 Types I and II.